Dental Aesthetics

Modern dentistry uses high-resistance, metal-free ceramic techniques and materials, achieving shapes and colors that are in harmony with the rest of the dentition. We get nice and pretty smiles.
At the Centro Medico y Dental Parets, within the Ribera Dental Clinic, we offer those patients dissatisfied with the color of their teeth, with stains due to tobacco or medications, the possibility of whitening teeth in a single session, in consultation, with peroxide hydrogen activated with led lamps.
At the Ribera Dental Clinic we also carry out treatments with laminates or veneers that cover the tooth in a less aggressive way and with great aesthetic results.
We offer our services to the towns of Lliçà d'Amunt, Lliçà d'Avall, Montmelò, Montornès del Vallès, Mollet del Vallès i Parets del Vallès.
If you want more information about our services, specialties or medical tests, do not hesitate to contact us.