
Endodontics is the treatment that allows removing the nerve of the teeth, cleaning the inside of the pulp chamber, the ducts where the germs that produce the inflammation and the characteristic pain of acute pulpitis are found.
To achieve this, at the Centro Medico y Dental Parets, within the Ribera Dental Clinic, we carry out conservative treatments that allow, with advanced techniques, to maintain destroyed dental pieces that would otherwise require extraction, eliminating pain.
Carried out by highly qualified specialists, under work protocols based on mechanized procedures that go beyond the old manual techniques, highly predictable results can be achieved that make it possible to maintain parts that would, in principle, require extraction.
At the Ribera Dental Clinic we use techniques that include the handling of precision optical microscopes, rotating mechanical instrumentation and top quality materials.
We offer our services to the towns of Lliçà d'Amunt, Lliçà d'Avall, Montmelò, Montornès del Vallès, Mollet del Vallès i Parets del Vallès.
If you want more information about our services, specialties or medical tests, do not hesitate to contact us.