
Diathermy is the condenser effect produced by an electromagnetic system of Capacitive and Resistive Electrical Transfer (C.A.R.E.T.) and consists of physiological activation from within the tissue through two fundamental actions: rebalancing and regeneration. The process is achieved by means of a device that generates electromagnetic waves sent to the patient through special electrodes.
At the Centro Medico y Dental Parets we have high technology in the diathermy sector provided by Medestec, the leading company that creates and develops its own technology for physiotherapeutic purposes in sports, rehabilitation medicine and aesthetic medicine with treatments non-invasive. Diathermy is generated with the exclusive Medestec Dual System at frequencies of 0.5 MHz and 0.8 MHz.
For physiotherapists, the complementary use of the Medestec Method in their sessions allows them to drastically shorten periods. You can use diathermy whenever a superficial and deep thermal treatment is needed, to take advantage of the therapeutic effects produced by the temperature rise in the specific area of the body. All this with the indisputable purpose of significantly shortening the recovery time.
What is diathermy for?
- Reduction of inflammation and pain, accelerating the natural mechanisms of the tissue so that the patient recovers as soon as possible.
- Rapid rehabilitation for athletes and injured patients who need to quickly return to activity.
- Aesthetic treatments.