Diagnostic imaging

Diagnostic imaging

The dental radiodiagnosis equipment of the Centro Médico y Dental Parets allows radiological examinations to be carried out immediately and without having to travel.


We have a Latest generation ultrasound machine that, thanks to its good vision of the fields designated by the various probes, helps to make a better and easier diagnosis. Some of the ultrasounds that we can perform at the Centro Medico y Dental Parets:

Locomotor System Ultrasound

Soft Tissue Ultrasound

Musculoskeletal ultrasound

General Abdominal Ultrasound

Reno Vesico Prostatic Ultrasound

Breast Ultrasound

Testicular Ultrasound

Ophthalmic Ultrasound

Urological Ultrasound

Transvaginal ultrasound

Gynecological ultrasound

Obstetric Ultrasound

Echo Doppler

EcHo Doppler Color



The dental radiodiagnosis equipment of the Centro Médico y Dental Parets allows high-definition radiological examinations to be carried out using orthopantomography and digital teleradiography.

The new technology available to our 3D center uses three-dimensional dental CT scans for diagnosis and treatment in implantology, dental and maxillofacial surgery, endodontics, otorhinolaryngology etc, increasing patient safety and precision in our work. Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT) or volumetric digital tomography that has been incorporated by the “Centro Médico y Dental Parets” is a new technology that allows three-dimensional images and virtual representations of treatment planning to be obtained, especially in surgery and implantology with a low irradiation dose for the patient and revolutionizing imaging techniques since overlapping and distortion of images are avoided.

Today the use of three-dimensional CT CBCT is an essential diagnostic tool for radiologists and dentists.


Centro Médico y Dental Paretshas added to its services a radiology and diagnostic imaging department at the service of the population of Parets del Vallès and its surroundings.

Our gynecology and comprehensive care service for women, either through all mutual insurance companies or privately, has a mammograph for diagnosis and prevention of breast pathology without the need for uncomfortable travel.

Mammography plays a central role in the early detection of breast cancer as it can show changes in the breast up to two years before the doctor or patient notices them. Current guidelines from the US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and the American College of Radiology (ACR) recommend a screening mammogram every year for women, starting from the age of 40. Research has shown that annual mammograms lead to early detection of breast cancer, the stage at which they are most likely to be cured and breast-conserving therapies are available.


The new radiological diagnosis Centro Médico y Dental Parets Center allows the performance of all types of conventional radiographs in traumatology, general medicine, rheumatology and other specialties that require radiological diagnosis.

The Center has agreements with all mutual insurance companies to carry out the tests requested by our medical staff and specialists, as well as those requested by external professionals. Our radiologists will provide the necessary radiological reports for the diagnosis, treatment and control of the pathologies that require it.

Conventional radiology is an essential diagnostic tool for many of the medical specialties that provides accuracy, precision and agility to the normal activity of our medical team inParets del Vallés.

We offer our services to the towns of Lliçà d'Amunt, Lliçà d'Avall, Montmelò, Montornès del Vallès, Mollet del Vallès and Parets del Vallès.

If you want more information about our services, specialties or medical tests, do not hesitate to contact us.