
Osteopathy consists of treating dysfunctions that can be found in the spine, joints and other areas of the body.
Osteopathic treatment consists of treating dysfunctions that can be found in the spine, joints, nervous system, muscular system, viscera and skull. It seeks to recover the lost body balance, reactivating its self-healing mechanisms with various therapeutic techniques: joint manipulations, energy techniques, mobilization, stretching, among others.
Each person requires individual treatment based on a unique personal approach.
Osteopathy observes how the different systems of the body work together, are related, and therefore disorders in one system can affect the functioning of the others. Osteopathic treatment is aimed at relieving pain, restoring function, and promoting health and well-being.
Osteopathy mainly treats the most frequent musculoskeletal pathologies such as; low back pain, neck pain, back pain, cervical and ankle sprains, omalgia (shoulder pain), tendinitis, as well as visceral and cranial tension (bruxism, headaches, dizziness).